UPIC is a non-profit association of associations, structured all around Catalonia, exclusively devoted to defending Catalan industrial and logistic estates interests, and help business associations and companies develop their industrial activity in the best conditions.

Catalunya 2030/40 program by the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona in agreement with the Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia, works on 15 strategic pillars to draw up a new economic model for Catalonia. With this reference, and aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, we have designed a new way of understanding the needs of both companies and estates by working side by side and providing them with efficient and cost-effective solutions.

19 years

Fostered by the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and the General Council of Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia

active listening

Private association in interest and defense of companies and industrial and logistic estates, with direct dialogue with general government.


High knowledge and experience recognized in the field of association and industrial and logistic estates improvement


Our organization is structured all around Catalonia through the Chambers of Commerce, with current projects on over 30 geographical areas.

We aim to improve the territory and strengthen the Catalan business network within a more innovative and sustainable environment, aligned with both Catalunya 2030/40 program and 2030 Sustainable Development Goals



President UPIC_ Carles Guilera Poch_ President Cambra de Barcelona Baix Llobregat
Vice president UPIC_ Carles Solé i Mateu_ Gerent de l’Associació d’Empresaris i Empresàries del Polígon Industrial de Valls (ASSEM)
Secretary UPIC_ Xavier Coronas Guinart_ Secretari Cambra de Barcelona
Treasurer UPIC_ Jaume Aragall Clavé_ Vocal Ple Cambra Cambra de Barcelona
Board member UPIC_Jordi Cáceres Silva_Cap de Projectes Cambra de Tarragona
Board member UPIC_Xavier Falcon i Vilaplana_President Associació d’Industrials i Propietaris del Polígon Fontsanta
Board member UPIC_Marta Faura i Ginabreda_Presidenta Associació d’Empresaris del Parc Empresarial Gavà (AEPEG)
Board member UPIC_Jaume Guàrdia i Pont_Vicepresident Cambra de Girona
Board member UPIC_Pedro Murga i Zuriarrain_Gerent Associació d’Empreses de l’Eix Besós (AEEB)
Board member UPIC_Juan Ignacio Navarro i Villanueva_Vicepresident Segon Cambra de Terrassa
Board member UPIC_Pompili Roiger i Juny_Vicepresident Cambra de Lleida
Board member UPIC_Narcís Xifra i Pagès_President Associació de Propietaris del Polígon Industrial de Riudellots de la Selva (APRS)

Executive Team

Strategic Director_ Sílvia Solanellas Llobet
Project Manager_ Sònia Bartrés
Project management_ Adriana Benas
Invigorating platform Ágora_ Valentina Iturralde