Join the UPIC

In addition to all the advantages involving being part of a business association, being a member of the UPIC allows you to enter an Association of Associations with a significant network of assets and knowledge throughout Catalonia

Action and negotiation with PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS and Centres of KNOWLEDGE and Technology Transfer
Latest access on FINANCIAL AIDS, grants and tax exemptions and swift answer to technical and administrative inquiries on industrial and logistic parks
COST SAVINGS in Chambers of Commerce services and participation at congresses and fairs
Legal, economic and tax consultancy SERVICE
Organization of NETWORKING events and sector-level promotion
Active participation inside the PAE 30/40 community network
Direct intermediation with all the CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in Catalonia
Organization of TRAINING days on subjects of interest for the associations (energy transition, 4.0 Industry, gender perspective, waste management, mobility…)
Active ALLIANCES with institutions/entities/agents fostering economic development
Participation in the Spanish CEDAES Industrial Parks Association